• The CRAZIEST day in Australia so far!

    It was time to move out. I couldn’t stay there any longer. Multiple arguments had occurred and I couldn’t deal with the ever growing list of restrictive rules. Three minute showers. Wash the dishes with cold water. Use the washing machine for 15 mins only once or twice a week on a cold water cycle. Certain “sentimental” saucepans had previously been made unavailable for use – now nothing in the kitchen was available for use – plates and cutlery included. Earlier in the week, I’d had to buy emergency kitchen items to be able to eat my dinner that night. I was done. Enough was enough. I still had a week…

  • The Twenty-Minute City

    When I was planning my Australian adventure, I knew that I wanted to incorporate a trip to the huge monolith that is Uluru. After booking onto a six-day tour that departed from Adelaide, I decided to tie in a few extra days to explore the state capital of South Australia. Adelaide is known as “the 20 Minute city” because supposedly, any major point of the city can be reached in just 20 minutes. Whilst, smaller than Melbourne and with around a quarter of the population, after my four day visit, I felt that I had just about scratched the surface. The first two places that I visited (by accident) were…

  • Melbourne Love So Far

    It’s been three months since I stepped off a twenty-eight hour flight and into the place that has been voted as the world’s most liveable city for the past 7 years – Melbourne, Australia…and I can safely say that it really is a fantastic city! Here are just a few of the things that I have discovered so far. The Shopping Options Currently, I am avoiding clothes shopping unless it’s essential but if I wanted to go on a shopping spree, Melbourne would not disappoint! From the big name high street and designer shops in the Central Business District, to the quirky independent stores and vintage shops on Brunswick Street…

  • Why I Choose to Fly the Solo Flag When Travelling

      In the past, my solo trips have attracted a variety of responses ranging from “You’re so brave!” to “It would’ve been more fun if you took someone with you!” and “Didn’t you get lonely?” However, for me, choosing to travel solo has benefited me in ways that I could not have imagined. As an introvert, I recharge my internal batteries by taking time out alone. Don’t get me wrong, I love spending time with friends and family and I have great fun when I do so – but I find it tough to be around people 24/7. A solo trip just provides an extended opportunity to re-energise – and…

  • Liebster Award

    Yay! Thank you to Ola for my nomination for the Liebster Award! Here you can see my answers to her 11 questions: Which is your favourite travel destination and why? Probably Ko Lanta in Thailand. The people were so friendly and it was quite rustic – gasoline was sold in bottles and from old school American-style petrol pumps. There were beautiful quiet beaches with less than 10 people on them and I got to watch some amazing sunsets. I stayed in a great hostel with wonderfully kind staff and there was a lovely family owned restaurant across the road which served delicious food. I had such a relaxing time there…